Otis, Mary Smith Gray Adams, Abigail
Mary Smith Gray Otis to Abigail Adams
My dear Mrs Adams Philadelphia Feby: 8th 1797

It gives me peculiar pleasure to hear from the Vice President, that you have enjoyed your health, better, this Winter, than usual; the frost of this season, will I hope entirely eradicate your former complaints, & that you will long enjoy a confirmed state of health, not only for your own sake, but that of your friends.—

Give me leave to congratulate you, on the choice made of a President, as a proof of the confidence & attachment of the (I will say) 551 best part of the community, it must give you pleasure. As you are both Veterans in politicks you are better able to repel the attacks of those, whose chief aim seems to be, to render those unhappy who are placed in the high Offices of Government, but that you may enjoy much satisfaction & pleasure, is my earnest wish.

Your friends here are anxious, to know whether they shall see you this Spring, for myself I anticipate much pleasure, in the prospect of having you for a Neighbour.

If there is any thing to be done, or any little arrangements to be made, previous to your coming, that I can do for you, I will do it with pleasure.

With love to Louisa, I remain, Yours Affecly:

M Otis1

RC (Adams Papers).


Another example of the congratulatory correspondence sent to AA was Susanna Clarke Copley’s letter of 10 Feb. (Adams Papers). Copley sent best wishes from her family to AA “upon the wisdom that our country Men of America have displayed in the choice of their Chief Magistrate” and introduced one of her acquaintances to AA.